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Johor Bahru Property  

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Auction CenterUser Guide
Place Your Bids
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    Sell Your Items
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    Bidder Services
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    User Guide


  1. Register with Instant Digital Services
    Firstly, you must register a FREE member account with Instant Digital services.

  2. Find an item to bid on
    Browse through the categories and item list to select your favorite items.

  3. Place your bid
    Enter your bid price with NOT LESS THAN the minimum price. 

  4. Bid confirmation
    An notification email will be sent to you. Included your bid information, item name and bid price.

  5. Monitor the auction
    As you wait for the auction to close, you'll receive email notifications if you've been out bided by other bidders. You can always return to the auction and enter a higher bid. You can view all your auction activities by clicking on the "Bidder Services" link.

  6. Contact the seller
    When the auction closed and you're the highest bidder, your name will be marked as "winner" in "Closed Auctions" result page.  You should contact the seller to arrange for payment and shipment of the item.

    DISCLAIMER: Instant Digital Services DOES NOT act as a middle man in this Auction Centre. All selling and bidding transactions are P2P (Personal To Personal). Instant Digital Services DOES NOT responsible on any kind of losses happened on any individual body (seller or bidder) who participates in this Auction Centre.



  1. Register with Instant Digital Services
    Firstly, you must register a FREE member account with Instant Digital services.

  2. Login to the portal
    Before selling any item, you need to login to the portal.

  3. Click on the "Sell Your Items" link.
    This will take you to a item selling form which you need to fill up.

  4. Find the appropriate category for your item
    Browse through the auction directory for the category that best matches your item. Look for similar items within that category. Be as specific as possible when selecting a category.

  5. Fill up mandatory fields
    Mandatory fields are marked with (*).  Then, submit your item by clicking "Submit" button.

  6. View item details
    After submitting the form, a summary of your item details will be displayed. You can edit the details in "Seller Services".



  1. Identity confirmation
    Enter your email and password, then select an editing option and click "Submit" button.
  2. Edit item description
    You can update your item description. Please note that you are NOT allowed to change other fields beside the description.
  3. Delete item
    You can delete your item if there is no bid available. 


  1. : This indicates the auction will be closed within 24 hours.
  2. : This indicates the item was just posted within 24 hours.
  3. : This indicates the item have 10 or more bids.
  4. :This indicates the auction was closed.
  5. : This indicates the bidder is the current highest bidder. 
  6. : This indicates the bidder is the winner of the item.